Womens Ministry

A women’s ministry is a community of women who gather to fellowship, mentor, and connect in a safe, supportive environment. Women’s ministries are where women engage with God while uplifting and encouraging one another in their faith.

Music Ministry

The Praise and Worship Ministry lead our worship or praise, thanksgiving and adoration to the God Most High- the One worthy of all our praises.

praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Psalms 150:5-6

Strongmen Ministry

The EMP Strongmen Ministry exists to equip men to be spiritual leaders in their homes, in the church and in the community. In all of our gatherings we seek to bring men together in a friendly, open and  interactive environment  with a focus on prayer, the scripture and discipleship to develop STRONGMEN for the kingdom of God.



Kids 4 Christ

Our mission for the Kids 4 Christ ministry is to ignite a passion for Christ at such a tender age and to prepare them as they grow in the kingdom of God. Our sessions are held on the 1st & 3rd Friday of every month @ 7:30 pm. Our aim is to impart a strong foundation through bible based teachings such as their salvation and to have faith in God. We also help to develop their gifts and talents for the Lord which enables them to be prepared to transition into the youth ministry. They are the future of tomorrow so lets teach them well and they will lead the way". As Proverbs 23:6 says,


"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart it.



Seniors Ministry

The Seniors Ministry helps our older adults to flourish in their mature years. Meetings are held every Thursday (Summer/Spring and Fall) for a time of fellowship and socializing. Filled with food, activities, outings, games, health and fitness sessions, discussion and prayer, this ministry truly keep our seniors active and at work in the house of the Lord.

Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green
Psalm 92:14

ONe(21) young adults

One(21) Young Adults Ministry is focused on leading Young Adults to Christ and create a space for good Christian Fellowship. We aim to provide guidance at this important phase of life that is congruent with the Word of God. Young Adults are encouraged and supported to develop their gifts and are afforded ministry opportunities. We endeavour to serve our church and local community in tangible ways while building a culture of unity. The One(21) Young Adults Group meets on the 3rd Saturday of every month.

Fugen youth

We are FUGEN YOUTH. FUGEN stands for Future Generation. We believe that God can utilize everyone, regardless of age. Our purpose as a ministry is to reach and impact youth on a local and global basis by spreading the gospel of Jesus. In order to cultivate a generation of young people who are proactive in their faith and constantly work to understand the call that God has placed on their life, it is our desire to serve youth and work alongside their parents. We will love every child, in every circumstance, regardless of their past. Whether you feel far from God or want to move forward in developing your faith in Him, we would love to meet you and get you connected! 

Psalm 24:6 “Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob.” 

Media Ministry

EMP Media Ministry exists for such a time as this, our purpose is to reach the nations with the Gospel of Jesus and to see lives touched and transformed for the Glory of God. We propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our visually driven and ever changing world using modern multi-media technology

If you have any questions regarding ESP Media or you are interested in serving on our Media Ministry team, please email us: Info@espworshipcentre.com